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International Women's Day - Phoebe Coers

Phoebe CoersPhoebe Coers

Owner, Shareholder, Plumber, Gasfitter, Drainlayer, administrator, labourer, debt collector, H&S rep
Rose Line Ltd

What do you do in your current role?
My role consists of looking for work, marketing, pricing, carrying out the job, invoicing. 

What do you particularly enjoy about it?
I am loving the challenge and the learnings of having a business. I feel I have a whole new perspective of the 'Job' itself and what is really involved on the business side.

How long have you been with your organisation?
Rose Line Ltd started in June 2022

How do you find working in a male dominated industry?
I love it. Every day I face new challenges, whether it be learning how to converse with someone new and rewarding when you prove someone wrong. And very simple, males are very straight up, there's no beating around the bush.

Have you encountered any specific challenges?
Yes. Forever having to prove yourself and position.

Please share any standout moments in your life.
Bike packing and racing in the Himalayas, Nepal with friends, experiencing the culture, environment and the challenges that come with adventuring at altitude.

What does your organisation do for inclusion and diversity?
Everyday we strive to start the conversation and educate on our changing industry. Being a woman owning and operating a Drainage, Plumbing & Gas company I always try to lead by example. 

What or who inspires you?
Connor McFarlane - An amazing international mountain biker from down south. He is incredibly great at what he does, he's super humble and just quietly gets on with it. 

What do you wish you had known before you started in your profession?
Don't sweat the small stuff. 

What would you tell another woman interested in the plumbing, gasfitting and drainlaying industry?
Definitely get into it! Greatest trades! Do your research, find out who the good companies are; Are they open minded? Do they have your education/apprenticeship at heart or are they just wanting a labourer? Will your colleagues support you with your training and onsite environment? If the environment is not this, keep looking. 

Any final comments?
Always have a laugh :)


International Women's Day is about a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women's equality.

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