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Dry July 2023

Kereama Carmody, Master Plumbers/Masterlink's Wellbeing Coach shares his monthly blog.

Participating in Dry July is a great opportunity to have a break from drinking alcohol and to put your health as a top priority for the month. I know how drinking in New Zealand an accepted part of social get togethers. I love nothing more than catching up with my mates for a beer after work or a glass of wine with dinner. But I’ve also experienced first-hand how alcohol can negatively impact my health and relationships. Therefore, I must manage my alcohol consumption to make sure I stay healthy.

Participating in Dry July can be very daunting. 31 whole days without a drop of alcohol regardless of whether you’ve had a bad day, if your mates want to grab a drink at the local or if there is something to celebrate. It’s a chance to experience life without alcohol, and also put your health first. Some of the benefits of not consuming alcohol for a month are better quality of sleep, better relationships and generally feeling better – both physically and mentally.

The month can be what you want it to be. The common approach is to cut out all drinking for the whole of July, but for some it may be easier to restrict the drinking to only weekends or something similar. How ever you choose to partake in Dry July, you are taking a step towards a healthier lifestyle without the need for alcohol and it’s a great initiative to improve your health and wellbeing.

There are some awesome podcasts and websites that can help keep you on track for Dry July and for making change in your life. Here are a couple to start with: 

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